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Asma Kazi is a multidisciplinary artist born in Kuwait and currently based in Pune, India. She has worked as a professional artist since 2012, and has been commissioned to work on various fine art and commercial art projects in this time. Her art currently resides with collectors around the world, and has been exhibited in India and the US. Some of her commercial art projects include artwork created for Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Hachette Books, Zee TV and Hoshruba Repertory. Asma also dabbles in Magical Realism and Speculative fiction through her writing. Her story “Bahameen” was published as part of a 13 story anthology called Magical Women, by Hachette Books India
Surrealism, Abstract artist from India, Multidisciplinary Artist, Mixed Media Artist from India, Art commission, Painting, mural, mixed media, Abstract, Landscape , Illustration, Zentangle, Pune, India, New York, Dubai, Mumbai, London, USA, Fine Art, Biomorphic
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Of Works in Progress and Arty Ramblings
July 13, 2024 AsmaArt, Exibition My art and I are coming back to Mumbai this month! Yay! I’d like to extend a warm invitation to you for the preview of my show ‘I Interpret” in Mumbai, on 19th July 2024, 6PM onwards
April 19, 2024 AsmaArt, Exibition Of Whimsical Views, Abstraction, And Optical Illusions The opening night on 4th May 2024 for our show KALEIDOSCOPE at the TAO Art Gallery was all kinds of awesome. To be showcasing my art in Bombay, a
October 17, 2023 AsmaArt, Exibition COMMON GROUND a celebration of art from pune city I am thrilled to inform you that my art is currently on exhibit at the very exciting show “Common Ground” at Vida Heydari Contemporary in